As stated in Tradition 9, "Our groups, as such ought never to be organized, but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve." At a regional level, subcommittees are authorized by the Regional Assembly (RA) in order to help with the over-all well-being and progress of our important fellowship.
At this time, ALL of our subcommittees need additional volunteers, some are in need of volunteers in a leadership role as well.
Any Nar-Anon member may attend almost any meeting without obligation to join the committee or participate. Voting privileges, however, are for committee members only.
The following is a list of all current subcommittees authorized by the RA. Please click on the links to learn more about that specific committee.
Finance – Committee to manage the regional finances and plan annual budgets
Guidelines – Temporary committee to update the Regional Guidelines
Literature – Work on regional literature projects and also liaise with the world service literature committee
Narathon – Coordinate planning for the annual fund raiser
Narateen – Coordinate planning for future Narateen meetings
Outreach – Coordinate regional involvement in conventions, workshops, panels, and public information
Website – Responsible for the regional public and service websites
At all levels of Nar-Anon, all members and officers should be bound by Nar-Anon’s Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of Service